Help promote the wide-spread singing of “Ever Faithful to the Call” by advocating its wide-spread use.
Here are some actions to consider.
Contact local veteran groups, civic clubs, and service organizations and make them aware of the hymn.
Talk with music leaders in nearby churches and suggest the hymn for Veterans Day worship service use.
Reach out to any nearby military units, including active duty, reserves, national guard, ROTC, Jr. ROTC, etc. Many of these units have chaplains who would be interested in knowing about the hymn.
Discuss the hymn with the leadership of choral groups, including community choruses and the chorales of universities, colleges, and high schools.
Write a letter to the editor or a short news article for your local newspaper, favorite magazine, or association newsletter. Write a notice for a blog. Post something about the hymn on social media.
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If you are a member of a church denomination, research how to bring the hymn to the attention of the music leaders at the national level. As an example, click here to see how the United Methodist denomination has recognized the hymn and suggested it for Veterans Day use. Scroll down to the Hymns section to see the listing. (If possible, explore how the hymn might be added to a denominational hymn book, whether printed on paper or distributed online.)
Thank you for helping to promote this hymn for Veterans Day and other events and observances.
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