“Ever Faithful to the Call” is a hymn that honors the service of our soldiers as they do whatever is necessary to keep us free. Because of this focus, it is becoming known informally as “A Soldier’s Hymn.” Please consider this hymn for use in ceremonies, events, and services for Veterans Day. Share this information with interested others as well.
This easy-to-sing hymn was inspired by ideas and suggestions from many sources, such as chaplains, veterans, military wives, church music professionals, military professional associations, and others. The verses reflect the Army core values of loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage.
The hymn is provided free of cost for nonprofit and noncommercial use, such as in worship services or public ceremonies, and is highly recommended for use with Veterans Day.

Download Ever Faithful To The Call
You are invited to share and use this hymn widely, and to promote its use with Veterans Day and other related events. Click the Download button below for a PDF file of a booklet with the hymn in three different keys and a section of supplemental resources.
This four-verse hymn version includes a non-commercial license to photocopy, distribute, re-arrange, perform, record, and broadcast the work for nonprofit purposes, provided that www.everfaithfultothecall.com is attributed.
Listen to the hymn
Click on the player below to listen to how the hymn sounds when sung by a choir. [Note: This audio file is for review purposes only.]
You can also view a video of the choir at the First United Methodist Church in Round Rock, Texas, singing the last verse of the hymn. Click here to see and hear this video.
Share Ever Faithful To The Call
Consider becoming a proactive advocate for the hymn so that it becomes widely-sung on Veterans Day and other occasions. Click here for some actions to consider. Thank you!
Additional options
If you need any other arrangement of the hymn in addition to those in the PDF booklet, send email to tom.lough@gmail.com with the subject line: Hymn Options.
The story of the Ever Faithful To The Call hymn
Ever Faithful to the call v2 from Central Texas Conference UMC on Vimeo.
About the composer

Tom Lough is a ten-year US Army combat engineer veteran with service in Korea, Vietnam, and Germany. He is also a church music composer and publishes with Hal Leonard / Shawnee Press. He and his wife, Posy, live in Round Rock, Texas, where he sings in his church choir. In response to the 2020 pandemic shutdown of choral singing, he developed the Noteable Singing Mask.